HS Guys Season FAQ’s


  1. What is the season start and end date?

The Spring 15’s season will start on January 26th. Information will be updated as we have it available. Contact Tim Walkling at t.walklinghsb@hammersrugby.com with any questions.

2. When are the practice days, times, and location?

Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30-7:00 at Lucille Erwin Middle School, Loveland.

3. Game scheduling? 

3/29 – vs. PAC/DR at Marshdale, Evergreen

4/5 – vs. Falcons

4/19 – vs. Palmer

4/26 – vs. Aspen

5/3 – Semifinals

5/10 – State Finals at Infinity Park

4. Cost for joining and cost for uniforms?

The cost to join is $355*. $35 goes to USA Rugby Membership (Insurance), $170 for Rugby Colorado Membership (League Match costs) and $150 go to Hammers Rugby Club and covers a team set of jerseys, training field rentals, training equipment, etc. Players will need a mouthguard and cleats to play rugby.

We do not want finances to be a barrier to playing rugby, if they are, please contact Treasurer@HammersRugby.com to discuss scholarship opportunities.

*Fees are subject to change as we approach each season when we get updated fees from the various entities

5. How to register?

Register on the Rugby Xplorer Website. Step-by-step directions can be found on our Registration Page.

6. How to get on Team App or Band App?

Boys go to www.TeamApp.com and download the mobile app to your phone. Create an account for both player and parents. Search for “Hammers Rugby Club HS Boys” and Join.